Saturday, 30 August 2008

I Sea the Dinner

Well actually an after dinner snack with some still left over in the fridge! Our very kind neighbours gave us this wonderful crayfish a couple of nights ago. When he was given to us he was still alive. Isn't it amazing what God created to supply man with food.

On a political note I reckon that Winston Peters has done himself, his party and Aunty Helen no favors by creating this whole donations debacle. It will be interesting to see what happens over the next few months. It looks like he is going to drag the government and his party down with him come election time (whenever that may be).

Friday, 29 August 2008

Long time, No post !!!

It is amazing how long it is since I last posted, time has flown by. I have added a few pics below showing some of what I have been up to.

My Birthday Party: Going to D's School Gym and playing a few different sports with a few friends for an afternoon before getting pizzas on the way home before watching a movie.
My actual birthday: Four days before the Olympic Opening Ceremony.
New life on the farm: Including the small visitors shown here.