Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Election '08

This years election is certainly shaping up to be a cracker. With Winston Peters donation saga playing out rather prominently, the economy sliding, Michael Cullen announcing for the first time as finance minister that the Government books are in the red and leaving National with no money for the big tax cuts it has been promising.

But so far it looks like it is Nationals election to lose. Labour lacks so much of its own policy that it resorts to releasing the oppositions. It is trying to dig up information to shame John Key and the public just aren't liking it at all. Helen Clark says the election will come down to who the voting public of New Zealand trusts. Trust, Helen Clark knew that Owen Glenn had donated to Winston Peters for months and yet chose not to tell the public of New Zealand. Helen Clark is a lady desperate to keep her grasp on power and it will be interesting to see if she succeeds.

If Labour decide to campaign on the issue of who will be more qualified to lead New Zealand through a recession it will be a serious mistake. John Key is a successful merchant banker who has experience in that area. However the only qualification Helen Clark has is being a politician who has lead this country through the broad sunlight uplands of big surpluses.

I would appreciate if you would vote on my poll as to who you would trust with the leadership of your country.

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