Thursday, 31 May 2007

5th of October continued............

Cont'd from last post

The Captain (this is what we are now starting to call Dad) said that we could go for a walk when we get there and go down into the WWII tunnels with our headlamps, he also said that there would be some old barracks that we would be able to explore. Laura isn't looking forward to it because somebody (we all think it was Ben) told her there would be rats. Anyway I have to go because the Captain is calling me to take over the tiller so he can go and check the chart around Home Bay for rocks and reefs as I haven't had time to look for him.

12:00 Miles: 2 1/2

We've just arrived at Home Bay about 5 minutes ago. Did I ever put in this Log that we have two Kayaks on board? Well if I didn't we do have two, and Mum and Ben have just started to paddle over to the shore from our now anchored boat. Mum is going to set up a couple of our small tents for everybody but me to sleep in.


Go the All Blacks!!! My guess is the All Blacks 45-15

1 comment:

Rosie said...

I like your blog, it's really cool. Love Sx